Elisa Bertaglia dal 12 al 14 aprile in Milan, two paintings new series Sinus, will be on view at Miart art fair/ Upon request at Atipografia gallery


E’ talmente nota, anzi talmente ...artista, Elisa Bertaglia, anche per come e quanto l’abbiamo raccontata qui su www.polesinesport.it , con le sue mostre e performance internazionali, che questa volta  lasciamo che sia Lei , la newyorkese made in Fetonte City, ad invitare i nostri Lettori, come ha fatto con Noi, a visitare i suoi due dipinti esposti da oggi al 14 aprile al Miart art fair, nella milanese Atipografia gallery.

MAIN NEWS ( di Elisa Bertaglia, mail 11.04.2024)/ |ELISA BERTAGLIA ‘ESPONE’ IN MOSTRA A MILANO  April 12 - 14, 2024, @Miart Fair, with Atipografia, Booth C29

<< Dear friends, 

I am happy to announce that some of my brand new works will be on view at Miart art fair in Milan. 

Two paintings in oil on gold plates from my new series Sinus will be visible upon request at Atipografia gallery booth C29, on April 12 and 13, from 11.30 am to 8 pm, and on April 14, from 11 am to 7 pm.

The natural elements of leaves and inflorescences—representing forms of invention, painted in unnatural colors, either very dark or acidic and transparent—are inspired by Nepalese and Asian art. One of the main references is the Rubin Museum collection; its paintings and sculptures were a source of inspiration for Bertaglia's most recent works. 



In Sinus, the references to a both real and abstract nature lead to allusions to an oneiric world, narrated by a symbolic language and referring to unconscious elements. 

The concept of threshold as the encounter space between two distinct terms, is here summarized by a vision of a dual nature, maternal and hostile at the same time.

The title itself alludes to the concept of cavern, cove, but also addresses to an almost maternal meaning. 

These two small close-ups of natural elements entice the viewer to come closer, to get lost in an absence of perspective, to be welcomed into a dimension that is intimate and ambiguous at the same time.>>



EXTRATIME by SS/ In cover e nella fotogallery i due dipinti ... Sinus, 6x4 inches, oil on rose gold plates, , che saranno esposti al Miart art fair della milanese Atipografia gallery: per 3 giorni da oggi.


Elisa Bertaglia & Sergio Sottovia
